If these details have already been taken care of or if the specifics are too difficult for you to think about right now, please skip to the next section.
Do not try to clean up the scene yourself. Any blood or fluids left behind after a death are a biohazard.
Attempting to do the cleanup yourself can be dangerous and deeply traumatic.
It’s also important to know that bio-matter involved can be dangerous for anyone without personal protective equipment.
We will take care at this time to preserve any personal items that can be safely cleaned.
We will handle filing the claims with your insurance company to make sure the remediation process is underway.
Focus on what’s immediately important and return later when you have more emotional capacity.
Let them know that it is okay if they need to cry or be angry, and that you are there for them in whatever they need.
Even if they wouldn't want a funeral, it’s extremely important for anyone experiencing grief to have an opportunity to honor and say goodbye to their loved one.